Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Lola's Corner

So as you can tell I'm a very very tired puppy. It's because I run around the yard like a maniac and try to climb the pompous grass by the fence and try to eat water coming out of the hose. I hope I don't offend any of you by my lack of lady-like manners. I think I take after my mom a little bit. Oh well. I think she's really awesome. So I'll own my undignified sleeping habits. Besides it feels good and who doesn't want to sprawl out every once in awhile?

So today in honor of the new friends I'm making, I'm going to share some of their photos with you and introduce them to you. Remember to send me pictures of your pets to because I would love to make new friends and introduce them to everyone. Remember no humans as I don't want to have to chase down any
would-be stalkers and bite them.

This is Riley. She's a rescue German Shepherd found outside of Pet Co or Pet Smart at one of their adoption clinics. I hope to meet her in real life some day soon at the dog park since she lives so close to me. She has 2 sisters, Maddie and Hopper, but her mommy is clearly stating her favoritism of Riley as that's the only picture she sent me. Even though we all know that's just not possible to have a favorite child or to show favoritism to one child. And even if that were, the kids couldn't possibly be intuitive to the favoritism as long as the parent vehemently denies it. Riley, tell your mom to send pictures of your sisters too next time.

This is Mr. Pickles. He's a big gray cat. My mom tells me he looks a lot like her cat Smokey, may he rest in peace, after 19 long years. As you might be able to tell, Mr. Pickles has aspirations of being a Train Engineer when he grows up. Or maybe he just wants to knock the train off the tracks when it comes by. That's what I would want to do. I would very much like to play with Mr. Pickles, but I think he might find me to be in need of some Benedryl, Tylenol pm, or some other pill that might severely calm me down so as not to be such a pest. Mr. Pickles I still love you and I hope you'll send me more pictures as I hear you have some funny poses too.

Well that's it for this week. I've got to finish catching up on my beauty sleep so that I'll be ready for the dog park this weekend. I hope to leap frog a few dogs, or I'd kind of like to challenge that crazy Boston Terrier to a rematch. I thought I had her, but I found out I've got some training to do. Hence the climbing of the pompous grass in the back yard. Have a great week and I'll see you next week. Same time, same place.

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