Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Lola's Corner - Meet Lucky

Hello and welcome back to my world. I trust that you've all had a good week so far. I'm distracted right now by the swinging closet door. It's kind of fun to play with. Not as much fun as playing with poo though.....
So right before the 4th of July I went on a trip to my Granny and Pa Pa's house that they are building out in the boondocks. While mommy and I were walking out to the road, we overheard the neighbor lady shooing a dog away. That dog happened to see us and decided to follow us back to the house. She found shade and hung around that night too. She found water and wasn't skinny so presumably well fed be it through her own skills or the kindness of someone else. The next day daddy made a sign to put out by the road while Pa Pa decided to clean her up. Her fur was all knotted up and she needed a bath. So he cut the knots off. And he decided to name her Lucky. Because she's lucky to be alive and lucky to have found them.
Well no one has claimed her and they've decided to keep her. So this is my new aunt Lucky. She's real smart. Stays around. Has even caught a rat or something like that if I heard correctly. She even herded cousin Altoid back to the fold when he ran off. One of these days, mommy will remember to take a picture of cousin Altoid to share with you.

That's it for this week. Send me pictures of your cats, dogs, birds, lizards, or any other pets you may have to
Have a great week.

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