Thursday, July 31, 2008

More Proof Mama Lohan is a Pimp and Not a Mother

Here's the story if you want to read it.,2933,395283,00.html

Basically little sister Ali tried out for a movie role for a producer that happened to also be behind a some porn movies. This isn't one of them but supposedly Dina was furious when she found out. Right!!! Everything like this is calculated. She knew and thought it would make great publicity to be "furious" about it. Well the TMZ article link in the above link states she got the part. I don't hear her mama Lohan refusing to allow her to work for this guy. She's not "furious" now, is she!!! It's all apart of her evil plan to get her kids working so she can make bank off of them.

Need I say more???

Onto the entertaining part of this post

Check out these plastic surgery disaster. Scroll down to the bottom and there are several pictures to click on to see the terrible after shots...Look at Tara Reid's stomach....what happened?!?!? better question. Why would you wear a bikini after that?!?!?!? anyways maybe I'm the last to see these either way, look again, they'll make you feel better about yourself when you hate your job, or think you're ugly, or just generally not feeling good about yourself. At least you didn't pay a lot of money to get butchered.

Have a great weekend!!!

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